After having VASER or Microlipo its important to give your body enough energy and strength to fast-track the healing process. It also helps in strengthening your immune system to fight any infection.
Obviously a well balanced diet is important - this will include vitamins, minerals, fibre, protein, carbohydrates and fat - Yes FAT.
Minerals - Zinc and Iron are important in the healing process and also forming new red blood cells as you will most likely lose a bit of blood. Foods rich in these are red meat, green leavy veg, broccoli and seafood.
Vitamins can be gained from veg or fruit as a daily intake. Some may be taking vitamin supps which is also ok.
Fibre - in many cases after surgery you will be taking pain relief tabs which can cause constipation. Drink plenty of fluid - not tea and coffee as this will dehydrate you even more.
Drink at least 1.5 litres of water. You may be leaking from incision wounds and this needs to be replenished. Make sure your urine is always very light in colour and that will give you a good idea of your hydration.
Protein - For your body to heal it requires lots of protein, amino acids etc. to manufacture the building blocks of regenerative tissue and scar tissue. Foods rich in protein for example are chicken, tuna, seafood, nuts, eggs, tofu and certain dairy products. In addition protein shakes can also be used.
Fats - from nuts, avocado, coconut and olive oil are the best and are required for absorption of certain vitamins and foods. They also act as a supply of energy.
Carbs - Lots of energy is required during the recovery phase. Carbs in the form of veg, fruit, whole grain (
NOT whole wheat) should be taken. Avoid white bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. If you crave potatoes then try sweet potato.
As you are most likely not in full exercise routine its best to limit your white refined carbs such as white sugar, fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate etc. These will only stimulate your insulin levels and result in fat storage rather than breakdown.