Thursday, 7 June 2012

VASER - MLDUK conference

I was kindly invited to give a talk at the MLD conference in May to share my experience of VASER and what recommendations I had for MLD therapists with regards to post-op treatment.  The talk was fairly general with an overview describing the treatment and its indications to give the MLD fraternity an idea of what is achievable.
I was very surprised at how many therapists had come across VASER patients and had actually treated them; quite a number of them being my patients.  I was very please to hear that I was one of the most active MLD supporters for VASER patients.
Traditional liposuction surgeons tend not to refer patients for MLD - not sure why?  They are possibly unaware of the benefits.

The benefit that patients receive from having these treatments post-op is immense, not just in terms of reducing swelling and bruising, but also minimising subsequent risk of irregularities and lumps and bumps. Most patients will report softening of the tissue immediately post MLD.  The treatment is also very relaxing and most therapists will show the patients self-help techniques they can perform at home on a daily basis.

There is significant scientific research to support the benefits of MLD in the post-op period.
As patients vary significantly in their healing phase the number of sessions required varies from individual to individual.  Generally I would suggest starting with 3-5 in the first 2 weeks and then re-assessing the situation.  Most practitioners will have one post-op review in that time and can then recommend further sessions if required.
For Hi Def patients the treatment regime is more intense and rigorous for the first 2 weeks (almost daily MLD sessions).

All in all it was a very interesting meeting with copious networking opportunities.

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