Tuesday, 24 June 2014

VASER post op aftercare

I get asked time and again about the aftercare following a VASER procedure.  I thought it was thus time to write something about it.  Ideally you should be reading this before the procedure so you know what to expect.

The recovery period is the most important part besides the actual procedure itself.  Although I go through the aftercare at the consultation period and again immediately after the procedure, I suppose it cant be stressed enough.  In most cases it is your first procedure and you are not really sure what to expect.  Every patient will also retain and remember different points of the conversation.
I have actually made a video on this topic this passed weekend and hopefully, once edited, will add this to the post.
Immediately after the procedure you will be really padded up to absorb all the leakage.  This will stay in place for the first 24hours.
If there is any leakage beyond the padding then its just necessary to add some more.

DO NOT REMOVE THE GARMENT in the first 24 hours.

I advise my patients to make sure they sleep on old towels and mattress protectors- this will prevent soiling of your bedlinen in case there is some leakage while you are sleeping.
We generally give you ample padding to take home, but it is worthwhile to have some more sanitary towel available.

The following morning I insist that you prepare for a shower.  In preparation to remove the garment I advise that you lie on the bed or on the floor.  Slowly open the clasps and remain in that position for a few minutes.  This allows your blood pressure to normalise and prevent you from fainting and injuring yourself.
Remove all the soaked padding and discard it.  Keep some gauze at hand so that any drips don't soil your carpet.  Get yourself into the shower and have a gentle wash.  Try not to rub any soap into the access points.
Once done, gently pat yourself dry.  You may notice some leaking from the lower access points (pink stained fluid) which is normal.  It is best to resume the lying position again.  Place some small padding (size of the palm of your hand) onto the access points and close the garment again.  During the day it will be necessary to replace the padding.  The is will vary between patients, but a guide is really just when it gets soaked then replace it.

During the following days you will notice that the leakage will reduce to just a trickle and thus you can reduce the padding and the number of times it will need replacing.

Remain vigilant and keep a close eye on the access points.  If you are worried, best to just call your treating surgeon for some advice.

READ THIS AGAIN so you know what to expect.

Have a look at this video for further clarification.....

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